how to improve memory power( 10 best way to improve memory power)

How to improve Memory Power ( 10 best way to improve memory power)

In daily life you passed some many works, activities, But some some of them we recall and some of them we can't. Its also happened that you can't remember even general things . Did it happened to you? Are you lost your memory? If you experienced memory loss here you get medicine to get into right track. There is two types of memory , one is long term memory  which stores the data for long time  and another one short term memory which stores the data for limited time. But you can convert your short term memory into long term memory. Meanwhile brain is the vital part of human body. Its analysis the every activities, action, happiness, sorrows etc. Human body is controlled by brain. For this as far possible we need to relaxed our brain.We need feed our Brian with Queuing data.

Here I will figure out some useful techniques which improve memory power as follows

1. Get sleep well
2. Meditation
3. Practice and Rehearse
4. Make flow chart your activities
5. Exercise 
6. Simplify your task
7. Maintain Routine in activities
8. Diet very well
9. Speak limited
10.focus on your attention

1. Get Sleep Well:
   " Early to Sleep to Early to rise". Our brain is very sensitive, when it get extra work load it get hanged . Effective sleep can increase your memory power . Minimum sleep need for a normal persons 7 to 8 hours. If you sleep well your brain will be relaxed. A rekaxe brain can get have long term memory.

    Meditation is played a vital role to improve memory power. Its big medicine to convert volatile memory into long term memory. Daily take  10 miniuts in the morning for Meditation. Here you keep your mind on your goal during mediation. If you used to have Meditation daily your brain will be relaxed and remembrance in nature.For example about study, before you having study take 10 minutes for Meditation and subject to your brain what going to study, then go for study. Its awesome tricks to study and memories well.

3. Practice and Rehearse:
   " Practice can makes you perfect ".The more you practice, you get more perfection of your memory. There is key secret of success is Practice. If you study any topic once  and close the topic for tow day's.After you recall your topic but you can't get it. Because your brain do not habituated it. So get practice until your brain get addicted to your topic. So regular practice can boost your memory power.

4.Make flow Chart of your Activities:
    There is two types of activity , one is random activity which practice haphazardly manner and another one is Regular activity which practice with Regular manner. Our brain is well designed to received takes in Regular pattern. If you randomly feed your task into your Brain it reject your task within interval. So make a activity chart and categories them into regular flow chart. If you follow your regular activity your brain will make friendship with you, then what ever you want to store you can into it.So have structured your activities in order improve your memory power.

5. Exercise:
   If you feel well , world will be well.You know what is the best achievement in your life? Answer is you get well. Daily routine exercise make our body active. You should have take 10 minutes to have exercise your body like take run, yoga or simple working on the road. Have it in the morning , morning shows the day. If your body get active , your Brain will be activated  to memories task whatever you want feed.

6. Simplify Your Task:
  Simplicity is the best conductance of human nature.How much you are simple that much you are big. Always simplify your your activities , because our brain is most like to have simple regular task. Simple task can manage your brain to recall past task easily. Don't feed your brain complex take which haphazard your brain.

7. Maintain Routine in Activities:
     Daily Routine plays a vital role to improve your memory power. Without Routine and scheduled your work it will hammered your activeness. So please maintain routine of your all activities. Its imply you to get more sophisticated to recall or remember your activities for long time. If you well routine in life, your memory power will be improve with routine schedule.

8.Diet very Well:
 You know how much input you will that much out will come out. Newton's third law says " Every actions have Opposite and equal Reaction ". Same here your diet very well your body get active as well as your brain. In a day plan your diet well manner. Daily keep your diet will vitamin and protein.

9.Speak limited:
    As I told before our Brian is most sensitive part of our body. Speaking and shouting much without meaning is hammered the activeness of brain as well as it destroy your memory power. Speak limited as you need. Your effective speaking will result in your Brian feed power. Stay calm and peaceful nature.

10. Focus on your Attention:
     Attention is directly proportional to Memory power. If you more pay attention on your task , your memory will get active more.whenever you pursue any task first of all pay attention on it. As a result your Brian will be activated to understand your task and save it for future. So pay attention in your lifestyle to change your world.

  Dear viewers I figured out some influential point to improve memory power. Also I explained all in effective manner. What yours thout about improvement of memory power, text me in comment box.

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